
Ultra High Power Lithium Polymer Batteries

Manzanita Micro
High Power - High Efficiency EV Battery Chargers & Lithium BMS

2 piece 'Torque Thrust D' wheels specially sized for the Zombie

Supplier of the Zombie's Lexan Module Components

Café Electric llc
Designer of the

Body and Paint Upgrades for the Zombie

Hi Torque Electric
Hotrod Electric Motors

Racing PR & Parts Supply

Bruce Sherry Designs
BMS design and data support

Dutchman Motorsports
Created the Zombie's floorboards & subframe connectors

Dutchman Motorsports
Zombie's digital Instrumentation

TFC Plating
Zombie's suspension and hi pro 4-wheel disc brake design & build

Superior gear
Zombie's heavy duty ring and pinion gear set

TFC Plating
Expert wheel & tire work for the Zombie

Calvert Racing
Zombie's CalTracs traction bar system for killer launches!

Dutchman Motorsports
Street-Strip Ford 9 inch rear housing & axles

Inland Empire Driveline
Makers of the Zombie's Aluminum Driveshaft

TFC Plating
Nickel plating of the LiPol Module conductors

optimal control systems
Supporters of Wayland Invitational Races

Sales & Service of Electric Forklifts