Welcome to the Silver Streak (aka EV2) project. Its been a long time coming, first started in 2011, but finally, the super efficient 400+ mile per charge
full electric Honda Insight-turned 'EV2' is nearly ready to hit the road! With the heart of an EV1 under its hood (GM induction motor pumped up to 200 hp),
a Tesla sized battery pack (71.6 kWh), DC fast charging, super light genuine EV1 squeaze-cast rims and the teardrop areo shape of the Honda Insight,
Silver Streak is our vision of what GM could've done (instead of crushing EV1s) and what Honda should've done. (they made hybrids while dissing EVs)

Above: Originally created via Photoshop tricks, this nose-to-nose comparison between the GM EV1 (right) and the digitally
massaged Honda Insight (left) was to show what Silver Streak would look like if fitted with the EV1's 'Circuit Board' look wheels.
Below: what started as just a concept back in 2011, is now a reality: